How to Get Some Catch-up Ilevel 629 Gear Fast

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Here’s a reminder that the easiest way of getting some early or catch-up gear that’s still around in Season 2!

Flying Around Really Pays Off

010dream reminded everyone that there’s a pretty easy way of getting crafted item level 629 gear with the new patch. The Azerite-colored orbs have been updated to Season 2 and now grant Weathered Undermine Crest iconWeathered Undermine Crests! You can find them in the zones marked with Worldsoul Memory events.

If things don’t get too busy you should be able to grab the weekly cap relatively quickly. Especially in combination with the rest of the Undermine content. You can also try out Warmode to thin out the crowd. And if there’s no one around you won’t even need any other content!

Now keep in mind, with the weekly cap in place, you’ll only be able to get three pieces of 629 gear.

byu/010dream from discussion

Crafting The Loot

Threesadpurringcats laid it out very nicely: After you get the crests you’ll need to craft your gear. The 90 Weathered Crests will buy you three Enchanted Weathered Undermine Crest iconEnchanted Weathered Undermine Crests, which you can now buy at two vendors in Dornogal (Syenite and Llande). With these (and a few normal crafting items) you can now craft the 629 gear, either yourself or at the Crafting Order NPC. You choose the blue item in the slot you want, and with the Enchanted Crest, it will become epic.

And if you want the very best items, for your spec you can check out our class guides for the stats you’ll want.