Blizzard’s Parental Controls as a Game Time Tracker?

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Did you know that Blizzard’s parental controls can be used as a tool to track your World of Warcraft playtime?

Reddit user iBrother shared a method of using the weekly game-time emails Blizzard sends every Monday to create a detailed playtime overview.

How It Works

Blizzard’s parental controls were originally designed to help manage gaming time for children. However, enabling these controls on your account allows you to receive a breakdown of your /played time in hours each week. By exporting this data into a tool like Excel, you can create a visual timeline of your gaming habits!

Trackign Your Gaming Trends

Using this method, iBrother created a comprehensive chart (see image) showcasing their playtime over the course of two years. From monthly trends to yearly averages, this system offers a clear view of how your gaming time evolves!

Source: Reddit

To try it yourself, check out Blizzard’s parental controls here and start tracking your playtime like a pro.