Huge Season 2 Trinket Buffs Hit Live – Full List of Upgraded Effects

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Blizzard has released notes for trinkets that were buffed via hotfixes on March 21. See which trinkets got a 20% damage boost!

On Friday, March 21 at 3:00 p.m. PDT, we implemented hotfixes to improve many Season 2 trinkets. Most of these were cases where damage effects have not kept up with their stat competition as we intended them to.

Items and Rewards

  • Increased the damage effects of most Season 2 trinkets by 20%.
    • This increase was applied to Junkmaestro’s Mega Magnet, Flarendo’s Pilot Light, Geargrinder’s Spare Keys, Mister Lock-N-Stalk, Zee’s Thug Hotline, Torq’s Big Red Button, Vexie’s Pit Whistle, and Chromebustible Bomb Suit.
    • This increase was applied to Candle Confidant, Siphoning Lightbrand, Blastmaster3000, Ratfang Toxin, Noggenfogger Ultimate Deluxe, Turbo-Drain 5000, Papa’s Prized Putter, Bashful Book, Ominous Oil Residue, and Goo-blin Grenade.
    • This increase was applied to Ravenous Honey Buzzer, Conductor’s Wax Whistle, Remnant of Darkness, Bursting Lightshard, Voltaic Stormcaller, Charged Stormrook Plume, Sigil of Algari Concordance, Ringing Ritual Mud, Gigazap’s Zap-Cap, Grim Codex, Viscera of Coalesced Hatred, K.U.-J.O.’s Flame Vents, and Razdunk’s Big Red Button.
  • Mister Pick-Me-Up healing reduced by 10%.
  • Tome of Light’s Devotion damage effect no longer triggers for non-tank specializations.
  • Viscera of Coalesced Hatred damage now reduced for tank specializations.

Our goal with these changes is to increase the number of viable options across the trinket pool for the season. You’ll find them listed, along with other changes, in our next Hotfixes Update.