Incredible Sindragosa’s Fall WotLK Cinematic Models

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There’s always many 3D prints, statuettes and similar coming out of the WoW community, but some are just special. And today we have one such combo/diorama, with some Warhammer re-modeling bringing one of WoW’s most iconic cinematics to life.

We’ve recently covered an awesome Warhammer 40k/Azeroth crossover with Space Marine transmogs for Warriors, so have a look if you missed it. Let’s continue in that grimdark tone with an absolutely stunning model conversion of Sindragosa’s Fall, featuring everyone’s favorite Lich King, Arthas. Sorry, Bolvar.

Models and parts used are from Warhammer: The Old World and Warhammer: Age of Sigmar for Sindragosa, and Warhammer 40k for the Lich King. Fizzlethetwizzle did an insane job of kitbashing two fantastic figures, and in the process awesomely capturing the introduction to Wrath of the Lich King, and probably everyone’s at least top 1 favorite WoW cinematic. No, there isn’t a zero missing.

byu/Fizzlethetwizzle from discussion
byu/Fizzlethetwizzle from discussion

Fizzlethetwizzle already tackled heavily modified conversions of Warhammer/Azeroth crossovers with an absolutely glorious Kel’thuzad and Mr. Bigglesworth model. If you’re a fan, they’re the definitely the one to follow. In spite of their name, there’s no fizzling when it comes to conversions and model making. Just ice cold precision and talent.