Incredible World First Level 80 in the War Within Completed Already!

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Well that didn’t take long. We already have a maximum level character, this early into War Within’s Early Access. Literally slightly over one hour. That’s pretty early!

Who Won?

It was a close race at the end between Shiekrunner and Monkeylol’s group. There were also some… creative use of game mechanics involved in the slightly over 1 hour leveling time. It’s unclear who got there first, but it’s looking like Monkeylol got the win (also according to Shiekrunner himself). He and his group managed to crack the code, with plenty of other competition as well, as Echo’s team got there in around an hour and 30 minutes.


We don’t really have that much information on the method or any footage but it’s looking like he beat Shiekrunner’s time by 6ish minutes. He and his group did it by just extremely efficient questing, some elites and some dungeons on the side! It took them only one hour and 1 minute from the official launch of War Within Early Access too.

This isn’t Monkeylol’s first rodeo either, as he was actually the second player to ding 70 during Dragonflight, as well as West first!

A Chat With the Winner

Echo’s Naowh talked with Monkeylol’s about his win. Apparently no main story quests were done at all. They took the questing route until around level 76, with some prepared pet battle turn ins as well. After that they swapped to elite farming, and then they realized dungeons were available as well and switched to that, with the final ding happening in Stonevault.

Huge congratulations to Monkeylol and crew for getting it done!

The Slightly Crazier Story of No.2

Shiekrunner‘s method was… quite a bit more interesting. And QUITE a bit more exploity. He managed to find a specific quest that granted him hyperspawns and didn’t require him to move around much at all. Without getting too deep into it, it involved a quest in the Blood Elf heritage questline, so it was extremely specific and very creative, especially considering it was only off by 6 minutes!