It’s a Race! Liquid and Echo (and Method) Neck and Neck at 3% on Princess!

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Things are certainly heating up in the Nerub-ar Palace Race to World First! We have all three top guilds very close to a kill AND to each other!

Is 3% a Lot?

Liquid ended their raid day yesterday on a 3.24% best and are just now returning to the fight. Meanwhile, Echo and Method progressed the entire EU day. They have now reached the tipping point and gotten to where Liquid was. First off we have Method’s 7% pull, beating out Echo’s 8% at the time:

Then Echo came back just a few minutes ago and took down Method’s best, and juust barely missed Liquid’s.

That’s 3.96%, making the two top guilds 0.72% apart! Let’s take another look at yesterday’s Liquid pull as well:

There’s still around 3-4 hours in Echo’s raid day and Liquid are only getting started, so it’s going to get pretty intense! The other big question, aside from who’s moving on to the penultimate boss first, is whether this boss is even killable with this week’s reset’s worth of gear. The boss is an insane DPS check with some hard dodging going on as well, and the guilds are constantly hitting that full-blue room enrage. We’ll find out soon whether the princess gets nerfed, survives the reset, or dies today!

Follow the race on the guild’s stream events here:

Or the live text coverage Raider.IO: