Last Chance to Defeat Zekvir Before Rewards Disappear on March 4

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Time is running out!

The War Within Season 1 is ending on March 4, and with it, Zekvir will no longer be available as a seasonal pinnacle boss! If you haven’t yet killed the boss, now is your final opportunity to do so before all associated rewards disappear forever.

Zekvir’s Exclusive Rewards

Defeating Zekvir grants several Feats of Strength achievements and limited-time items. Here’s what you can still earn before Season 1 ends:

  • Nemesis iconNemesis: Defeat Zekvir in his lair before March 4. This achievement rewards the Zekvir's Raptorial Spine iconZekvir’s Raptorial Spine Cosmetic Back.
  • Hunting the Hunter iconHunting the Hunter: Defeat Zekvir in his lair before March 4 on Tier ?? difficulty. Rewards the Ascension Breaker title.
  • Let Me Solo Him iconLet Me Solo Him: Defeat Zekvir in his lair before March 4 on Tier ?? solo. This provides you with the Delver's Dirigible Schematic: Void iconDelver’s Dirigible Schematic: Void.

Prepare for the Fight

If you’re aiming to collect all of these achievements before they are gone, make sure to gear up, strategize, and take down Zekvir in his lair before March 4. Check out our Zekvir’s Lair guide for more details on how to defeat the boss.