Raid DPS Tier List for The War Within Season 2

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Even though Liberation of Undermine is opening next week, we already have a good grasp of the DPS tier lists based on the latest class changes that went live in the update.

Raid DPS Tier List for The War Within Season 2

The following raid tier list has been created and is maintained by our writer Petko.

For Season 2, we’ve got five specializations in S-Tier: Arms and Fury Warrior, Enhancement Shaman, Shadow Priest and Frost Death Knight, and up to 11 specs in A-Tier.

SArms Warrior
SFury Warrior
SEnhancement Shaman
SShadow Priest
SFrost Death Knight
AHavoc Demon Hunter
AUnholy Death Knight
AFire Mage
AOutlaw Rogue
ABalance Druid
AFrost Mage
AFeral Druid
AElemental Shaman
ASurvival Hunter

For the rest of the rankings, please visit our raid DPS tier list.