Level 20 Mage One-Shots Level 80s in Rextroy’s Latest Video

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Rextroy is back with another game-breaking discovery, and this time, he’s using a Level 20 mage to one-shot level 80 players. If this sounds familiar, that’s because he pulled off a similar stunt four years ago during Battle for Azeroth, but this time, the damage is even more absurd, with each Flurry iconFlurry spell hitting for over 10 million damage!

How Does the Bug Work?

At the heart of this one-shot is a major scaling bug with Flurry iconFlurry, similar to how Shadow Blades scales for Rogues. But to take things even further, Rextroy discovered that he could boost his primary stat by 30 times using an unexpected item, the Cinderbrew Stein iconCinderbrew Stein trinket!

When a high-level player grants the trinket buff to a low-level character, the stat scaling does not adjust. This means a Level 20 Mage can receive the same overpowered boost that a max-level player would, resulting in very high damage numbers.

How Was This Discovered?

Rextroy stumbled upon the bug accidentally when he saw a Level 50 Mage controlling a Level 80 pet, a strange interaction that suggested something wasn’t quite right…

While initially Rextor assumed it was a client-side bug, further testing revealed deeper scaling issues that allowed for this one-shot combo.

With this being the second recent low-level PvP bug, the first involving a Level 27 Rogue, it raises the question: What’s next?

Watch the full video below.