It’s finally time to take a look at what’s happening in the new Season 2 raid! Things are VERY preliminary, of course, and we’ll be focusing primarily on Heroic for a while, as only one boss has been defeated on Mythic. Both the US and EU have had at least a day to raid, so let’s see where things have landed!
Note: We are using normalized scores instead of raw DPS for the Warcraft Logs rankings. Normalized scores take into account the outlier boss fights where certain specs could stack massive DPS (due to the nature of the fight, whether it’s AoE spam or something else), which would then affect their overall score for the whole raid.
Overall Damage 95th Percentile
We see some big changes compared to the start of the week and the Nerub-ar Palace raid. Havoc is on top, but the first four specs are almost completely even! Subtlety actually remained stable between raids in 2nd, while Devastation is doing a lot better, and Fury replaced Arms as the top Warrior. Outlaw is also doing a lot better, and we have all three Rogues in the top 10 once again. Enhancement is back as the top Shaman in 6th, and it’s always good to see Windwalker up this high, even if it is in Heroic. Arms had its moment of glory in 11.1 in the old raid, but it’s still kicking here in 9th. Destruction seems to be the best Warlock at the moment, closing out the top 10, but Affliction isn’t far behind. Unfortunately Demonology is still stuck in the bottom 3, joining Augmentation and Survival, with Beast Mastery not far in front.
Overall Damage All Percentiles
Fury makes it all the way to the top and we see the same top 4 specs just rearranged. Assassination is the middle Rogue here, landing in 5th, with Enhancement finding itself in a yellow sandwich. Arms is doing one better than in the top percentiles at the expense of Windwalker, and Destruction still closes out the top 10.
Boss Only Damage All Percentiles
Arms is on top of the direct damage chart, but the next four spots belong to the same specs that are on top elsewhere. Unholy makes an appearance after that, with Marksmanship and Affliction near the bottom of the top 10.
Things didn’t change quite as dramatically for the tanks, but we do see a swap in the top spot, as Warrior takes over from Death Knight. Demon Hunter also moves up two spots, and Paladin took down Druid.
Preservation moves its way to the very top, gaining a huge 4 spots, as Resto Shaman takes down Mistweaver. The Priests meet in the middle, with Discipline dropping from the very top and Holy rising from the bottom!

Normal Damage All Percentiles
Things aren’t as different as you’d expect in Normal, as the top 3 is actually the same specs from Heroic, just rearranged. Subtlety comes out on top here, with Devastation right behind it. We then have two Warriors in 3rd and 4th, Unholy making it a plate armor trifecta.
As always, you can check out our tier lists, our class guides, and our Liberation of Undermine guide! And for even more stats, head on over to Warcraft Logs.