The (presumably) final pre-raid tuning pass has been announced and the raid is arriving in two/three days (depending on region). Our guide and tier list writers have taken all the changes into account and updated the rankings. So, let’s take a look!
S and A+ Tier Changes
The big winners are definitely Beast Mastery and Windwalker, as they make it all the way to the top tier from B and below! Enhancement has fallen off quite a bit, down to A tier. Meanwhile, Unholy rises to S and Devastation makes it to A+.
The Top Tier Raid DPS
The following raid tier list has been created and is maintained by our writer Petko.
This is a preliminary list based on PTR and live testing, theorycrafting, as well as the tuning notes. It will be updated very frequently.
Tier | Class and Spec |
S | Arms Warrior |
S | Fury Warrior |
S | Beast Mastery Hunter |
S | Windwalker Monk |
S | Shadow Priest |
S | Frost Death Knight |
S | Unholy Death Knight |
A+ | Havoc Demon Hunter |
A+ | Devastation Evoker |
A+ | Fire Mage |
The raid and accompanying Race to World First is mere days away, and it’s set to be a spectacular one!