Liberation of Undermine RWF Day 9: Dark Mode Wars and a Jackpot of a World First

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It was a very one-boss day, but at least we got a World First out of it! The EU guilds didn’t do much of anything as it was their reset day, and Liquid downed Sprocketmonger and moved on to One-Armed Bandit pretty fast. It was a whole day of progression there, leading straight into dark mode via some extremely low pulls, including a 0.19% one.

The Warmup

Liquid were the first to enter Mythic today, starting their second week of progress on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock. They very quickly got the boss down very low, needing an hour to get to this particularly sad wipe, which turned out to be a bit of foreshadowing for a certain slot machine later on.

It took them a little under 2 hours to actually get the kill after that taking 119 pulls in total, compared to Echo’s 113.

Method did go into Mythic to reclear, but had a bit of trouble on the final boss, as it took them 9 pulls to get Stix Bunkjunker down. Echo didn’t even touch Mythic.

The Big Robot

It was time for us to see One-Armed Bandit for the first time, as Echo’s pulls were all off-stream, and we still don’t know just how far they got. Liquid started off really strong on the boss, looking like they were going to take only 30ish pulls for the kill.

However, it didn’t quite turn out to be that simple. The boss is a really fun encounter where the players get to choose which mechanics they face when. By slotting in a combination of two coins they decide what the boss will do/spawn, and they can’t use the same combo twice. Liquid found their preferred setup pretty quickly, not only for the coins but also for their raid composition, as they only changed specs twice, and the second one was due to Trill not feeling well. Here’s a look at the full fight from one of those low pulls:

The problems started right when they changed their strategy to get that last 10% down. They moved their Bloodlust timing away from a tricky part in phase 1 (the 2nd set of adds) and into the final phase to burn the boss. It always takes a while to adjust to a new strat and timings, but this one was particularly tricky for Liquid. In over 20 pulls they only got a few good ones, but oh boy were they good:

This was a done deal surely, especially after this 0.19% heartbreaker!

The Kill

That was indeed the precursor to the kill as it came only two pulls later, with lucky number 56 and a very impressive close to the fight, with one of the three healers being dead for the last 20%!

The fight took 6 minutes and 59 seconds at item level 660.2 and here’s the raid composition:

And here’s the full kill pull:

Darkness Descends

Unfortunately Liquid took Echo’s decision from the day before to heart and also went dark mode, pulling Mug’Zee off-stream with around 3 hours of their raid day left. We don’t know how many pulls they did or how far they got, same as with Echo’s One-Armed Bandit pulls.

And that was it for the day! Echo and Method are back at it already and we’ll soon see where Echo are at with the slot machine, with Method still looking for that Sprocketmonger kill. You can follow their progress over at Raider.IO or at their respective streams.

Header image source: Mission Report: Liberation of Undermine by The Lost Codex.