After weeks of raiding, we now have enough data to compare spec popularity in Heroic Liberation of Undermine against their average DPS performance.
The following post is based on data from AttitudeAdjusterSE and Raider.IO
Spec Popularity Versus Average Overall DPS
As you can see in the graph below, the x axis denotes DPS and the y afix parses or spec popularity. We can divide specs into four categories based on their Heroic Raid DPS performance and overall player adoption.
- High DPS, High Popularity
- High DPS, Low Popularity
- Low DPS, High Populatity
- Low DPS, Low Popularity

High DPS, High Popularity
The top contenders when it comes to both DPS and popularity are:
- Havoc Demon Hunter
- Windwalker Monk
- Enhancement Shaman
- Fury Warrior
High DPS, Low Popularity
These specs deal high DPS but remain underplayed compared to their performance potential.
- Outlaw Rogue
- Affliction Warlock
- Assassination Rogue
- Subtlety Rogue
- Arms Warrior
- Devastation Evoker
- Shadow Priest
Low DPS, High Popularity
These specs are frequently played despite dealing less DPS than their counterparts. Retribution Paladins stands out as the most played spec overall (almost 220K parses), even though its DPS isn’t among the best. Beast Mastery Hunter is another example, with nearly 160K parses.
- Retribution Paladin
- Beast Mastery Hunter
- Balance Druid
- Frost Mage
Low DPS, Low Popularity
The following specializations struggle both in performance and in popularity.
- Arcane Mage
- Survival Hunter
- Frost Death Knight