Liquid Get the World First on the Penultimate Boss of Liberation of Undermine, Mug’Zee, 7/8 Down! Dark Mode for Gallywix

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After some extremely close competition, it was Liquid that broke through the final barrier before the endboss! Mug’Zee, Heads of Security falls to the US guild!

The Competition and the Kill

Echo and Liquid were tied when the EU guilds went to bed. They had a 10% best pull each and almost the exact same number of pulls. Liquid took a little detour into using 4 healers and lost some time after that. But they quickly came back to the 5-heal strategy both guilds had been using. It took them most of their raid night to take the boss down, but they did it with a perfect pull, all 20 alive at the end, but with only 4 seconds left on the hard enrage cast! It took Liquid 149 pulls at item level 662.2.

And the full kill pull:

The raid composition (Raider.IO’s page is down until Liquid turn off Private mode):

Dark Mode

After the kill, with 3 hours left in their raid day, Liquid went dark, pulling Gallywix off-stream, giving them a big advantage, as no one has seen the boss on this difficulty. They also commented on the relative bugginess of Mug’Zee, as many of their wipes were caused by random issues like the boss attacking non-tanks for no reason, mines not detonating properly etc.