Liquid Grab Broodtwister Ovi’nax World First, 5/8 in Nerub-ar Palace RWF

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It’s a big day 3 for Liquid, as they take another World First!

The fifth boss was a SIGNIFICANT uptick in difficulty, which is a good thing as the first four were all 1-shot. The totally-not-G’huun Broodtwister was a very tricky one, with a whole lot of adds, massive raid-wide AoE, and some tight positioning required. Liquid pushed through all that and managed to get the boss down, with an average around 620 item level. It took them 119 pulls to take down, and a whole lot of extra gear, as well as a 1% wipe AND a 0.14% wipe!

After a full day of progress on the boss Liquid came up with some significant strategy and raid composition changes, dropping a tank and going with a whole lot of Death Knights, both DPS and tank! It took them quite a “few” extra pulls (42) pulls after the new day, the new gear and new strats.

Here’s the full kill pull:

There’s only one boss standing between the NA guild and the final two bosses of the raid, which are traditionally much, much harder than the rest. It’s definitely not dying today, and possibly not before a nerf either.