Liquid’s Insane 0.55% Wipe on Broodtwister Ovi’nax in the RWF

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The RWF is in high gear, and somehow after four 1-shot bosses, the fifth is basically an endboss!

Broodtister Ovi’nax has been a giant wall before all 54 guilds currently on him. However, Liquid has been the closest to busting that wall for a while now. And after some standard sub-10% wipes, and one almost obligatory 1% wipe, they actually went a step further. Now, it’s not like this has never happened before, a not-kill SO close that it hurts. However, these are usually reserved for the final two bosses, and especially the endboss. NOT the 5th boss of an 8 boss raid!

But enough hype-up, let’s see what the hell happened, with the two DK tanks just barely being unable to finish the job! First off, here’s the clip of the very end of the fight, in pull 112:

And then the full pull, where even a second of extra DPS would have made the difference.

It remains to be seen if the boss dies today, as Liquid have a few more hours in their raid day.