The Antorus raid is a very good place to go for some awesome weapon (and armor) transmogs. Between Taeshalach and
Scythe of the Unmaker you really don’t need any more reasons to head to Argus and blast some demons. The latter is particularly sought after, as it has two versions, the regular and Mythic one.
Both of them are pretty rare, with the red Mythic one especially so. But just how rare is it to get both in just one kill? 1337bobbarker wasn’t sure just how lucky they got, so they asked the community:
Well, the best answer we can offer is very extremely with quite a bit added on top. As you’d expect the comments very rightly clarify that 1337bobbarker just spent all their luck, and add the huge number of tries it took to get either version. Since both are pretty rare, it’s not uncommon for players to see multiple Mythic ones and no regular:
CarpenterFresh4373 also brings up an interesting point when it comes to the hunt of these very rare old raid items. With the advent of Mists of Pandaria Remix, players have begun to assume or at least hope that the next Remix event will offer basically all the rare transmog from an expansion. We are all pretty sure Legion is getting the Remix treatment next, so it is possible all these very difficult-to-get items will suddenly be pretty easy when the event starts. So does the mere possibility of an expansion Remix devalue the massive effort put in to get items like these?