We have some very interesting stats for the start of the first season! AedionMorris took a look at the number of runs completed in the first week of Season 1, and the result are eye-opening!
VERY Big Numbers
It seems 5.3 million runs were logged in the first week of Season 1 globally, which is extremely impressive.

Let’s compare this to the first week of Dragonflight. Week 1 of DF Season 1 came in at 3.2 million, making TWW’s S1 a huge 2 million bump! During DF S1 Chinese servers were also available. However, it was already known that services would shut down only a month later, so that may have affected the numbers as well. Meanwhile, the game just recently returned prior to the War Within in China. That may also be affecting the bump, but we can’t really say for sure.
Here’s a look at the chart for the entirety of Dragonflight, courtesy of MythicPlusPoster:
It’s also quite a feat considering the War Within brought Delves in as a new endgame pillar. Players that normally may have tried some Mythic+ might be doing those instead, lowering the numbers. Whatever the reason may be, it seems both the WoW population and Mythic+ runs are way up at the start of the War Within!