Discover the Most Played Classes in The War Within: One Week After Global Launch

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Discover the most-played classes in the War Within expansion one week after global launch!

One week after the global launch of The War Within expansion, more players are reaching the new Level 80 cap, giving us a clear view of class popularity. With the latest data, we can now look at which classes are popular and which are lagging behind.

The Most Popular Classes in the War Within: Updated Rankings

Here’s a look at the new class distribution among maximum-level characters, 1 week after the War Within’s global release. We compared the numbers with those from last week and the changes are highlighted below.

  1. Paladin – 13.3% (+0.2%)
  2. Druid – 10.9% (-0.2%)
  3. Hunter – 10.6% (-0.5%)
  4. Warrior – 9.5% (-0.2%)
  5. Death Knight – 8.1% (-0.3%)
  6. Shaman – 8.0% (+0.1%)
  7. Mage – 7.3% (+0.1%)
  8. Demon Hunter – 6.7% (+0.4%)
  9. Priest – 6.7% (+0.2%)
  10. Warlock – 6.5% (+0.2%)
  11. Monk – 5.5% (0.0%)
  12. Rogue – 3.8% (+0.1%)
  13. Evoker – 3.2% (0.0%)
Class distribution data provided by Data for Azeroth, shows the most popular classes in the War Within expansion at Level 80.


Paladin shows a slight increase (+0.2%), solidifying its position as the most popular class this week.

Druid and Hunter have both seen a decrease in popularity (-0.2% and -0.5% respectively).

Warrior and Death Knight have also experienced minor declines (-0.2% and -0.3%).

Shamans, Mages, Demon Hunters, Priests, and Warlocks saw minor gains, with Demon Hunters having the most significant increase of +0.4%.

The Most Popular Class/Race Combinations in the War Within

Next, we’re looking at the favorite class+race combinations at max-level.

Top Rankings (4.0% – 2.6%)

  1. Blood Elf Demon Hunter – 4.0%
  2. Night Elf Druid – 3.9%
  3. Night Elf Demon Hunter – 3.3%
  4. Blood Elf Paladin – 3.3%
  5. Human Paladin – 2.6%

Mid Rankings (1.9% – 1.0%)

  1. Dracthyr (H) Evoker – 1.9%
  2. Tauren Druid – 1.7%
  3. Dracthyr (A) Evoker – 1.6%
  4. Human Warrior – 1.5%
  5. Night Elf Hunter – 1.5%
  6. Orc Warrior – 1.4%
  7. Troll Druid – 1.4%
  8. Draenei Shaman – 1.3%
  9. Blood Elf Hunter – 1.3%
  10. Blood Elf Priest – 1.2%
  11. Orc Hunter – 1.2%
  12. Blood Elf Mage – 1.2%
  13. Human Mage – 1.2%
  14. Orc Shaman – 1.1%
  15. Zandalari Troll Druid – 1.1%
  16. Human Warlock – 1.1%
  17. Human Death Knight – 1.1%
  18. Blood Elf Death Knight – 1.1%
  19. Lightforged Draenei Paladin – 1.1%
  20. Human Priest – 1.0%
  21. Blood Elf Rogue – 1.0%

Lower Rankings (0.9% – 0.0%)

  • Void Elf Mage – 0.9%
  • Human Hunter – 0.9%
  • Void Elf Warlock – 0.9%
  • Undead Warlock – 0.9%
  • Tauren Paladin – 0.9%
  • Orc Death Knight – 0.9%
  • Orc Warlock – 0.9%
  • Undead Priest – 0.8%
  • Night Elf Rogue – 0.8%
  • Void Elf Priest – 0.8%
  • Highmountain Tauren Druid – 0.8%
  • Worgen Druid – 0.8%
  • Blood Elf Warlock – 0.8%
  • Pandaren (H) Monk – 0.8%
  • Human Rogue – 0.7%
  • Night Elf Priest – 0.7%
  • Nightborne Mage – 0.7%
  • Blood Elf Monk – 0.7%
  • Dwarf Shaman – 0.7%
  • Mag’har Orc Warrior – 0.7%
  • Pandaren (A) Monk – 0.7%
  • Undead Rogue – 0.6%
  • Zandalari Troll Paladin – 0.6%
  • Kul Tiran Druid – 0.6%
  • Dark Iron Dwarf Shaman – 0.6%
  • Undead Mage – 0.6%
  • Dwarf Paladin – 0.6%
  • Void Elf Hunter – 0.5%
  • Human Monk – 0.5%
  • Troll Hunter – 0.5%
  • Dwarf Hunter – 0.5%
  • Troll Mage – 0.5%
  • Troll Shaman – 0.5%
Race/class distribution at max level – Data for Azeroth

Final Thoughts

As more players continue to reach Level 80 in the War Within expansion, the numbers above will shift. We’ll keep an eye on these trends! If you still don’t know which class to pick, make sure to check our guide!