World of Warcraft features many playable races, but which ones are the most popular among players? Using data from Data for Azeroth, we break down the most chosen races in the game, ranked by total character creation!

Race Popularity Rankings
The most popular races include:
- Blood Elf – 14.7%
- Night Elf – 14.2%
- Human – 10.5%
- Orc – 6.5%
- Void Elf – 4.5%
- Tauren – 4.4%
- Troll – 4.1%
- Undead – 3.8%
- Dwarf – 3.3%
- Draenei – 3.3%
- Zandalari Troll – 3.1%
- Vulpera – 2.9%
- Worgen – 2.5%
- Dark Iron Dwarf – 2.4%
- Gnome – 2.2%
- Nightborne – 2.2%
- Mag’har Orc – 2.1%
- Dracthyr (H) – 2.1%
- Dracthyr (A) – 1.9%
- Lightforged Draeenei – 1.9%
- Goblin – 1.8%
- Highmountain Tauren – 1.8%
- Kul Tiran – 1.5%
- Pandaren (H) – 1.5%
- Pandaren (A) – 1.4%
- Mechagnome – 0.9%
- Earthen (H) – 0.3%
- Earthen (A) – 0.2%
Blood Elves take the top spot, making up nearly 15% of all characters created, closely followed by Night Elves at 14.2%. Humans round out the top three, sitting at 10.5%. Orcs, the highest-ranking Horde-exclusive race, are in fourth place with 6.5%, while Void Elves, a more recent Allied Race, hold fifth at 4.5%.
Lesser-Chosen Races & Newer Additions
While some races remain a fan favorite, others have a much smaller presence in Azeroth. At the bottom of the rankings, the newly introduced Earthen race has the lowest representation, with Horde-aligned Earthen at 0.3% and Alliance-aligned Earthen at 0.2%. Mechagnomes, another less-played race, sits at just 0.9%.
What Influences Race Popularity?
Several factors come into play when choosing a race, including:
- Racials
- Visual appeal & customization options
- Class availability