Mythic+ Week 2 Data Shows Big Shift Towards Higher Keys in The War Within Season 2

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The second week of the season is over, and once again, we are looking at the Mythic+ data provided by Raider.IO. The overall completion rates are on a positive trend and the focus on key levels has already massively shifted towards the higher levels for Gilded crests and weekly Best in Slot vault loot. Meanwhile, the devs are providing additional tuning which is addressing the remaining pain points of the dungeons.

Total Runs Across All Dungeons

Compared to the first week, the number of total completed runs has dropped by only 12.74%. Meanwhile, the in-time percentage went up by 0.64 percentage points from 77.61% to 78.25%. Compared to the development during Season 1 the drop-off is 0.78 percentage points smaller and back then the in-time percentage went down by almost 3 points.

The dungeon split was still quite even in week 2. Darkflame Cleft has risen from the last spot while The Rookery is falling off which might be tied to the reduction for the timer and slight buffs for a few trash mobs. In addition we saw a nerf to the Darkflame Cleft timer – reduced by 2 minutes – and a buff for the Priory timer – increased by 90 seconds. Both of these changes were applied to the week 1 data and while Priory gained around 15.700 timed runs, Darkflame Cleft lost 13.500.

Regardless of these changes Darkflame Cleft still did the best with 86.44%, far ahead of the rest. Most dungeons are hovering between 75.57% and 79.63%. But it seems that The Rookery which was quite beloved in the early days is heavily impacted by the timer nerf and trash buff during a Fortified first week (starts at key level 7) while the focus has shifted towards higher keys. In addition the new Pulsar affix is a bit harder to manage during the boss fights in this dungeon, especially on the final boss groups have been complaining about it. With just 73.87% things are looking rather grim for this dungeon.

Split Across All Key Levels

Looking at the key level split we can see a major shift towards the farm key range. The focus lies now on keys for Gilded crests and Best in Slot vault entries. Any level below 7 saw its completed run numbers drop by 15.77% to 63.91%. Meanwhile the numbers for key levels 7 to 10 all increased by up to 93.75% (key level 10). Beyond this the factor for comparison goes up beyond times 20. We can also see a clear upshift by 2 key levels with similar numbers. Key level 15 for example is seeing slightly more runs than key level 13 last week.

Overall the ratio of “keys below 7” vs. “keys at 7 and above” has flipped from week to week. In week 1 61.3% of all keys were below 7. Now in week 2, 63.32% of all keys were completed at 7 or higher. The Myth track vault key level 10 made up more than 20% of all keys while in the previous week that was just above 9%. And compared to Season 1 in its 2nd week we are now seeing almost double the amount of completed level 10 keys with a success rate of 67.55% while it was just 52.2% at the same time last season.

The in-time percentage for every key level went up from week to week. Key level 10 is once again standing out with a gain of more than 16 percentage points – from 51.50% last week to now 67.55%. The drop-off for the affix key levels is still quite noticeable though. From 6 to 7, we see a decline by 18 percentage points once Fortified kicks in – it was 20 points the week before. But the jump from 9 to 10 became less punishing with a drop-off of just 10.69 percentage points instead of more than 26 points last week.

Conclusion and Early Numbers for Week 3

Despite the massive shift towards higher and more challenging key levels, the upward trend for completion rates is quite clear and is outperforming the previous season by miles. In a few weeks, we will be looking at the long-term performance of both season starts in comparison and it already looks like a complete blowout for Season 1. By now, the journey through the key levels is much smoother and rewarding – as seen in the crest outcome comparison – and it’ll mostly likely only improve with item levels rising more and more each week.

As of the writing of this article around 50 hours after the US reset the early numbers for week 3 are looking a lot better than week 2.

The overall in-time completion rate currently sits at 83%, with key level 10 alone achieving an impressive 78.9% success rate. Notably, over 26% of all runs so far this week have been completed at level 10. As the week progresses, completion percentages may dip slightly as players take last-minute risks to secure vault entries. Still, the outlook for Mythic+ remains strong, and Nightstalker314 will return next week with another detailed data breakdown.