Nerub-ar Palace Race to World First Summary, Day 1: 4/8, All 1-Shots

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The RWF is well and truly underway, and the very first day, aka NA day, is behind us! It was both a very eventful and uneventful start, with many kills and not a lot of action. So let’s take a look at what exactly happened. First off, here’s a quick look at the layout of the palace, as it’s a much more linear raid than we’re used to:

A Later (but Usual) Start

NA maintenance ran over the original estimates by only two hours this time, which is actually pretty good for how it usually goes. Right when the servers started the top guilds did their usual – not going anywhere near the Mythic raid. It was gear-up time with split raids and all the other weekly activities to get that item level up. And, of course, the large payouts to the many, many helpers that fill those split raids!

This allowed some lower-ranked guilds to get on in there and grab some World Firsts! Melee Mechanics were the bravest of them, taking down Ulgrax, the first boss, and grabbing that first WF of the raid in exactly one pull.

And here’s the full kill VoD:

Seeing how easy the first was, they continued on and immediately grabbed a second WF, as Bloodbound Horror fell down as well. This one took four whole pulls, still very much in the easy camp.

And here’s the full kill VoD:

Sikran, the third boss, was looking like another pushover, as he was already down to 30% after a few pulls. However, Melee Mechanics decided it wasn’t worth the hassle, and went to do splits instead. We saw very few guilds in Mythic at this point, with only the Early Shift and Mesmerize even attempting anything, but with no other kills.

Enter Liquid

While a top guild entering Mythic for the first time is always a tornado of kills, this one may have been the swiftest clear yet. We saw four bosses fall to the No.1 NA guild in under an hour! And to top it all off, each boss was a 1-shot, requiring only a single pull to take down. The first two bosses evaporated as expected, and Sikran didn’t pose much of a challenge either. Liquid’s first World First of the raid was claimed, and the Captain of the Sureki destroyed.

Then we got to see a boss we hadn’t at all so far, as the nemesis of the Dawnbreaker returned, his health still down where we left it at the end of that dungeon. Rasha’nan proved to be as easy as the rest, dead in the same pull he was first engaged. It did seem like a much more fun and hectic fight, however, so at least there’s that!

So, four pulls, four kills, two World Firsts.

Unfortunately, that was it for Liquid, as they planned to clear 4 in Mythic and then get back to splits and other gearing, which is exactly what they did for the rest of the day. We did get word of them doing only Mythic on day 2, but we’ll believe it when we see it!

The Rest of the Pack

There wasn’t that much action after that, but we did get to see some full kill videos (as Liquid’s VoD’s aren’t accessible without subscriptions). XD joined the Mythic crew and proceeded to catch up to everyone but Liquid, and then went further and grabbed the World 2nd on Sikran! Let’s take a look at the full fight.

Poptart Corndog and vodka also joined in the fun, and the food-based guild beat the alcohol-based one to the Sikran World 3rd! We also got to see a little more of the Rasha’nan fight, as Poptart managed to get him down to 45% from his starting 60!

And that was pretty much it for the highlights. Echo and Method woke up, gathered their vaults and headed into their own splits, Mythic+es etc, and will likely be taking down the same 4 bosses Liquid did. It’s going to be interesting to see how many more bosses die on day 2, especially if Liquid decide to actually focus exclusively on the highest difficulty. It’s not impossible that we see only the final two bosses stay standing by the end of Wednesday.

As always, if you want to follow the race more frequently than our daily summaries and highlight news posts, head on over to Raider.IO for live coverage, clips, analysis and more.