New $90 Brutosaur Auction House and Mail Vendors Go On Strike, as They Disappear From Mount

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The new version of the Auction House brutosaur was very popular and made Blizzard a lot of money. However, it seems the vendors on the mount didn’t get enough of a cut, as they have been going on strike for some players, disappearing entirely!

EJECT! EJECT!! Wait, Why Are You Ejected?

Crafty_Nebula_1458 found themselves very much alone on their $90 giant dinosaur mount, not really knowing why. The Auction House and Mailbox NPCs just disappeared and were not coming back. Naturally, Crafty_Nebula_1458 headed to r/wow to ask the detectives there what exactly happened. The first replies weren’t exactly helpful, as they just explained that you can eject the NPS by clicking the golden seat markers in the special mount UI section that appears when you get on it. However, this probably wasn’t the case as you’d know if you clicked on two orbs with the NPC names a bunch of times.

Luckily some real detectives came in and explained it all! As Fynzou explains, apparently the Secrets of Azeroth and current anniversary event Torch of Pyrreth iconTorch of Pyrreth secret-activating tool somehow scares the NPCs away! Perhaps they really don’t like fire, which makes a lot of sense for the mailbox NPC when you think about it. If you just click the buff off and re-mount, they should return. It seems there are also other interactions in the game that send the NPCs running, as yawn_oink adds the Harvester events in Stormsong Valley to the NPC-ejecting list.

So make sure to treat your mount NPCs right and don’t scare them off with fire and/or scary events!