New Delve Hotfixes Annoy and Upset Players

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The latest hotfix affecting Delves has not gone over too well with the WoW community. The changes increased group difficulty and scaling (as well as the revive system), and the feedback has been… intense.

The Problem

It’s only been less than a day since the changes took effect, and players are already doomsaying, Twilight Cultist style:

There are many highly upvoted posts like the above, as group Delves have become much harder, with the scaling being adjusted so that mobs don’t have less HP than in solo. Players going for duos seem to be particularly upset, as they are reverting to doing them solo:

The fun police narrative has already started too!

But at least we got some certified gold old-school meme returning out of it:

A Question of Timing

Now, most of the complaints seem to be focusing on tier 8. Some players are pointing out that this is, after all, the very first week of Season 1. Tier 8 is the final difficulty that grants gear, and so perhaps we weren’t supposed to get there quite yet. However, big changes like this usually come with the reset, and not right before the weekend when most people play.

But before the hotfix, the complaints were very much focused on how unfair the scaling was for solo players, so, in typical WoW fashion, sometimes you can’t win! Speaking of which, here’s a pretty good summary of the community discourse around Delves recently, as it’s all getting to be a bit much!