New Reward Added to Plunderstorm: Heroic Nerub-ar Palace Gear

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Plunderstorm just got a little more interesting for PvE players, as a new reward was added to the mode. Those that amassed over 5,000 Plunder can now get a Heroic piece of raid gear.

Since the Plunderstorm returned to Azeroth, Cap’n Keg Leg has been holding back a fine reward.

As of about 10:00 a.m. PST today (January 31), this is now fixed. Players who have accumulated 5,000 Plunder, or players who hereafter earn 5,000 Plunder should check their in-game mail for a message from Keg Leg containing loot.

Once you collect the needed Plunder, you should receive an in-game mail with Storm-Singed Plunder iconStorm-Singed Plunder. It contains Keg-Leg's Silver Spoils iconKeg-Leg’s Silver Spoils, which you can trade for a Heroic piece of gear in Dornogal’s Forgegrounds at Da’kash Grimledger.

You’ll also receive two Keg-Leg's Bronze Spoils iconKeg-Leg’s Bronze Spoils, which will give you two Swabbie's Lockbox iconSwabbie’s Lockboxes, and those contain lower item level gear.

However, there are issues with players reporting not receiving the mail. They definitely got the 5,000 Plunder needed, both on NA and EU servers, but no rewards. Hopefully this gets resolved soon.