New Siren Isle In-Game Cutscenes and Stay a While and Listen Conversations Lead to Patch 11.1

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We have seen the next step leading us into patch 11.1! Obviously, spoilers ahead.

Athelarius put together the three Haronir-related cutscenes from the Siren Isle patch as they learn about the next threat to Azeroth, and we get to hear our World Soul’s voice properly for the first time! It seems Beledar really is just a big hunk of Azerite, as the connection to Azeroth beneath it is very strong. Orweyna receives a vision of where we’re going next, as a familiar face (and the next raid endboss) shows up!

There’s also a stay a while and listen section after the cinematics, as Orweyna talks to Magni and discusses her vision, as well as Khadgar ruminating about the fate of Dalaran.