We have a new addition to the battle.net store, as a bear is breaking into the repair and transmog vendor game!
The mount even has a very nice name, and comes from one of WoW’s best zones! The Grizzly Hills Packmaster is the usual $20 price, the two vendors, and a snazzy fishing pole/lamp combo! Unfortunately it can’t fly nor skyride, so it’s very much ground-bound.
You can get the mount over in the shop here.

Bearing a pack filled with gadgets and gizmos, the Grizzly Hills Packmaster lets you repair and transmogrify on the go to keep your armor shiny as new for your adventures in Azeroth.
The Grizzly Hills Packmaster will be applied to present and future World of Warcraft® characters on a single regional Battle.net account. The Grizzly Hills Packmaster is a single seat ground mount that automatically scales to the fastest riding skill known by each character.