New Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur Gems for Each WoW Expansion Identified

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Here’s a really cool tidbit you might have missed about the controversial new $90 shop brutosaur.

As detailed in its description, the Reins of the Trader's Gilded Brutosaur iconReins of the Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur is “adorned with a 20th Anniversary themed harness set with gems representing WoW’s expansions”. While that line from the shop probably flew over most players’ heads, Chalkali went ahead and took a look at what that actually means!

As you can see there are gems all over the mount, which you may have missed the significance of. Each signifies one of WoW’s expansions, and some are actually a little tricky to figure out. Luckily Chalkali stepped in and did the work for us, so let’s take a look!

There’s also a bit of a conversation happening on why specific expansions have extra details/flourishes inside the gems. BC, WotLK, Cata and Legion get the special treatment. And so the discussion is on whether these were specifically marked as “the good ones” or something similar.

Regardless of how you feel about the mount, it’s a very cool detail, especially since it’s a 20th-anniversary themed one.