October 29th Class Tuning Updates

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Blizzard have changed the class tuning pass coming with the week’s reset. Elemental is no longer getting Ascendance and Echo Chamber nerfed and there are some additional PvP changes as well!

Upon further review, we have made the following updates to the class tuning coming tomorrow:


  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • Echo Chamber now increases the damage of Elemental Overloads by 20% (was 40%).
      • Ascendance now increases the damage of Elemental Overloads by 100% while active (was 150%).

Player versus Player

  • Monk
    • Mistweaver
      • Rushing Wind Kick’s damage increase does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Paladin
    • Lightsmith: Divine Guidance now deals 60% less damage in PvP combat.
  • Rogue
    • Subtlety
      • Flagellation’s mastery bonus decreased by 50% in PvP combat.

The first post of this thread has been edited to reflect this.