If you played through the Undermine(d) campaign, you probably saw the in-game cinematic titled “A New Tomorrow” revealing what happened to Undermine after Gallywix’s downfall. But in true Blizzard fashion, the ending wasn’t just a conclusion, it was a teaser for what’s next.
The following in-game cinematic contains spoilers.
At the end, we catch a glimpse of K’aresh and the Ethereal Phase-Thief Azir holding the Dark Heart, a powerful void artifact created by Iridikron using Neltharion’s relic and Galakrond’s primal hunger.

If you remember, Xal’atath wasn’t too pleased when she learned that the Ethereals stole it from Jastor Gallywix.
What’s Next?
Datamined items from early War Within builds revealed a GoblinRaid and an EtherealRaid, and since we’ve just got Liberation of Undermine, we expect Patch 11.2 to take us to K’aresh. The Ethereals now control the Dark Heart, but how do they plan to use it?
And the biggest question: Will Iridikron return?