Players Are Leveling Their Earthen Alts by Uncovering Maps

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While we’ve heard a lot of negative feedback about Earthen racials, Wiede-Eyed Wonder allows players to reach Level 71 just by exploring zones!

Leveling up By Exploring

The Earthen Allied Race has a racial ability, Wide-Eyed Wonder iconWide-Eyed Wonder, that increases experience gained from exploring zones by a whopping 200%. While the ability received mixed reactions early on, many players are now taking advantage of this racial to level their Earthen alts quickly—by simply uncovering maps instead of completing quests or battling enemies.

In fact, some players have reached Level 71 without killing a single mob or finishing any quests! A recent in-game screenshot posted by Reddit user Rykin14 shows their Earthen alt having reached Level 71 after defeating only two creatures.

How Much XP Do You Get from Exploring Zones?

With Wide-Eyed Wonder iconWide-Eyed Wonder, you can earn approximately 1,950 XP for each newly uncovered area within a zone. Since alts begin with no zones explored, this method proves to be incredibly effective for players looking for a fresh and relaxed leveling path.

Multiple reports from the community confirm that players are enjoying this alternate approach to leveling, with some reaching Level 70 exclusively by uncovering maps and taking full advantage of this racial bonus.

Decided to level an Earthen Dwarf all the way to 70 via wide-eyed wonder!
byu/Short_Boysenberry_62 inwow