Players Spot Possible Horde Housing Location in Azshara

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World of Warcraft players found an in-game location in Azshara that closely matches Blizzard’s concept art for Horde player housing. Discussions on Reddit suggest that a portion of Azshara could serve as a foundation for the upcoming neighborhood-style housing system.

Reddit Investigations Lead to Azshara

A post by Reddit user Gullible_State4137 shares a screenshot comparing Blizzard’s concept art with an in-game location in Azshara. The user states: “Out of curiosity, I went there and found the exact location of this concept art from Blizzard. What do you think?”

Source: Reddit

Another Redditor, pyerock, builds on this, pointing out that Blizzard described the Horde housing area as being “inspired by Durotar, its coastline, and Azshara.” The user suggests that a spot north of Orgrimmar, with red rock formations and coastal backdrop, is a prime candidate for the new housing system for Horde players.

Source: Reddit

So there you have it, we now have the exact spot in-game that corresponds with Blizzard’s Horde housing system spot!