If you’ve been annoyed with only one campsite for your favorite toons, and the rest heap, fear no more. Blizzard has done the unthinkable and allowed for the creation of multiple campsites. Or as players have immediately renamed them, the folders.
Now you can finally divide your characters as they deserve, in what is probably one of the better quality of life improvements on Blizzard’s part in recent times. Gaz8600, for example, has need of multiple The Forgotten folders, which some players quickly jumped on, but your mileage may vary.
Some players still wish the campsites were big enough for 5 characters, assuming they wouldn’t all huddle around the campfire like they were freezing in Icecrown.
This is also a great opportunity to stash all those nostalgia characters you can’t bear to delete because reasons into a few folders. We all have a couple of those.
The naming conventions can also get wildly creative, as Ehrasi shows with their Camping of the Sites, and a home for everyone.
And some can get weirdly, and let’s call it thematically, specific. Partyontheobjective‘s one is a quite good example. We all have our preferences, don’t judge.
So if you’ve got some creative naming under your belt, or some mischevious themes, hop on over to the discussion and share your character folders.