Quick Guide: How to Reach the Darkmoon Faire Faster!

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Discover a faster way to reach the Darkmoon Faire using optimized portals and shortcuts! Save time and get there ahead of the crowd.

The Darkmoon Faire is an event that no player wants to miss due to Profession Quests and the 10% Buff to Experience and Reputation gains. However, the journey there can be time-consuming if you’re not using the most efficient route. Here’s how you can get to the Darkmoon Faire much faster than the usual method.

Step 1: Getting to Your Faction’s Capital

The first thing you’ll need is a quick way to your faction’s capital, either Orgrimmar or Stormwind. Use your guild cloak or items like Jaina's Locket iconJaina’s Locket to teleport directly. For a more convenient option, the Dalaran Hearthstone iconDalaran Hearthstone toy is a great choice. Once in the Legion version of Dalaran, head over to your faction’s embassy!

Step 2: Finding the Right Portal

Once you’re at the embassy, take the portal to Orgrimmar or Stormwind, and you’ll end up in your faction’s portal room!

Which Portal to Choose?

Inside the portal room, click the portal to Crystalsong Forest. This will transport you to the Wrath of the Lich King version of Dalaran.

Step 3: Navigating to the Darkmoon Faire

When you arrive in Dalaran, leave the building and turn left! You should spot the Darkmoon Faire Mystic Mages standing nearby. Speak to one of them, and they’ll provide you with a quick teleport straight to Darkmoon Isle!

How to get to the Darkmoon Faire quickly.

Why This Method is Faster

This method is much quicker compared to the traditional routes, such as traveling to Thunder Bluff’s outskirts or heading to Elwynn Forest. By using the Dalaran Hearthstone iconDalaran Hearthstone or other items, you’re cutting down significant travel time!

For a visual guide, check out this helpful video by Grafiska that walks you through all the portals!

Tip: Get to Darkmoon Faire quicker via Legion Dalaran using the Crystalsong Dalaran portal
byu/Grafiska inwow