Repairs for More Than Your Armor From a Goblin in the Ringing Deeps

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The War Within expansion seems to contain more than a few reminders that mental health is a priceless thing in today’s world.

Along with a heart-stirring Earthen sidequest, raising awareness of it is a goblin blacksmith named Sitch Montaigne located in Camp Murroch in the Ringing Deeps. Titled “Repairs, Physical & Immaterial”, she has an interesting question players can ask her. Can you repair my state of mind?

Her answer might leave more than a few people surprised, smitten, or slightly in tears:

So remember to go outside for a walk, call your raiding buddies for a coffee or beer if you can. Talk with them if you can’t, and listen to what they have to say. As Sitch shrewdly puts it, “Make yourself remember that you are all in this together”. Or, you know, just play some more WoW 😀

It’s easy to forget that behind all these bouncing toons and characters lie real people, with real issues. Give them a hug once in a while, even the in-game one counts.