Rextroy Breaks WoW Again: 409,500% Damage Boost Wipes Nerub-ar Palace!

Staff's AvatarFeb 12th, 2025 by Staff

WoW’s legendary experimenter and bug finder, Rextroy, is back with another mind-blowing video. This time, he’s stacking a 409,500% damage boost to one-shot the entire Nerub-ar Palace with a single hit.

The Discovery: A Forgotten Buff from The Burning Crusade

While leveling characters in preparation for Patch 11.1, Rextroy stumbled upon an old buff in The Botanica dungeon called Sunseeker Blessing iconSunseeker Blessing. This effect increases physical damage by 100% and it can be stacked.

By spell-stealing and stacking this buff 12 times, Rextroy achieved a 409,500% damage increase. This power boost turned even minor attacks into billions of damage, creating the perfect setup for one-shotting raid bosses.

Bypassing WoW’s Damage Cap

Rextroy initially tried to use the Overclocked Gear-a-Rang Launcher iconOverclocked Gear-a-Rang Launcher, but WoW’s damage cap of 536,870,912 per hit prevented full potential. Instead, he switched to the Spare Meat Hook iconSpare Meat Hook, a physical damage-over-time trinket, which allowed him to bypass the cap and fully exploit the buff.

Reporting to Blizzard

Acknowledging the potential for abuse, Rextroy obviously reported the exploit to Blizzard to prevent its use in upcoming raid tiers. Rextroy showcased the buff’s full destructive power across the entire Nerub-ar Palace raid in his latest video!