Blizzard has just updated the Season 2 class tuning with nerfs for Beast Mastery Hunters and a change to Druid’s Lycara’s Meditation!
Beast Mastery Hunter’s all ability and pet damage went down from 10% to 5%.
We’ve added the following to the OP:
- Lycara’s Meditation does not retain the bonus from your last shapeshift form if you enter and then leave caster form.
- Beast Mastery
- All ability and pet damage increased by 5%.
Here’s the updated class tuning that will go live tomorrow with the launch of Season 2.
Death Knight
- Unholy
- Liberation of Undermine 2-set Bonus – Now increases the damage of Death Coil and Epidemic by 4.5% (was 3%).
Demon Hunter
- Havoc
- Aldrachi Reaver: Reaver’s Mark now increases damage dealt to its target by 6%.
- Aldrachi Reaver: Thrill of the Fight’s increase to ability damage is now 15% (was 20%).
- Liberation of Undermine 2-set Bonus – Winning Streak!’s chance to activate increased by 25%.
- Lycara’s Meditation does not retain the bonus from your last shapeshift form if you enter and then leave caster form.
- Feral
- Sunfire damage reduced by 40%.
- Lycara’s Teachings’ Mastery bonus granted from being in Moonkin Form reduced by 66%.
- Devastation
- Firestorm damage increased by 40%.
- Beast Mastery
- The Liberation of Undermine 2-piece set bonus has been adjusted – Barbed Shot now fires at 100% (was 200%).
- The Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set bonus has been adjusted – Potent Mutagen damage reduced by 50% and reduces the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 0.25 seconds (was 0.5 seconds).
- All ability and pet damage increased by 5%.
- Mistweaver
- All Healing reduced by 4%.
- Liberation of Undermine set bonus: Insurance! healing decreased by 30%.
- Discipline
- Lenience no longer stacks its damage reduction effect when multiple Priests apply Atonement to a target.
- Oracle: Preventive Measures now increases the damage of Penance, Smite, and Holy Nova by 20% (was 40%).
- Assassination
- All ability damage increased by 4%.
- Subtlety
- Secret Technique damage reduced by 5%.
- Liberation of Undermine 2-piece set bonus – Winning Streak! max stacks reduced to 8 (was 10).
- Elemental
- Developers’ notes: The new tier set bonuses were performing higher than we would have liked, so we’re lowering the value of the new 2-piece set bonus while increasing the damage Elemental Shaman deal baseline.
- Liberation of Undermine 2-piece set bonus – Now summons an elemental for 6 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Liberation of Undermine 2-piece set bonus – Frequency of getting a bonus elemental summon from your spells lowered.
- Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set bonus – Damage bonus of Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Tempest, and Lava Burst increased to 30% for 8 seconds (was 20% for 8 seconds).
- Deeply Rooted Elements Ascendance procs no longer activate either the 2-piece or 4-piece bonus of the new Liberation of Undermine tier set.
- Echo of the Elementals no longer causes the Jackpot! Buff to refresh when they appear.
- All damage dealt increased by 5%.
- Enhancement
- Developers’ notes: Enhancement Shaman in the Liberation of Undermine patch are performing higher than we would like. We’re making adjustments to the new Flowing Spirits talent as well as the Nerub-ar Palace and Liberation of Undermine tier set bonuses.
- Nerub-ar Palace 4-piece set Bonus – Now has a 20% chance to summon an extra spirit when talented into Flowing Spirits. The tooltip will not reflect this change until a future patch.
- Flowing Spirits now has a 6% chance to summon a Feral Spirit.
- Flowing Spirits now properly summons a random Elemental Spirit when Elemental Spirits are talented.
- Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set Bonus – Now triggers Doom Winds for 3 seconds (was 4 seconds).
- Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set Bonus – Now increases the damage of Crash Lightning by 12% per stack (was 15%).
- Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set Bonus – Now increases the primary target damage of Crash Lightning by 75% (was 100%).
- Demonology
- Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set bonus has been adjusted – Casting Hand of Gul’dan causes your active Dreadstalkers to cast Dreadbite at 20% effectiveness (was 50%).
- Hand of Gul’dan damage increased by 20%.
- Doomguards summoned by Pact of the Ered’ruin deal 15% increased damage.
- Gloomhound’s Gloom Slash damage increased by 30%.
- Wild Imp damage increased by 30%.
- Destruction
- Liberation of Undermine 2-piece set bonus has been adjusted – Your spells and abilities have a chance to hit a Jackpot! that fires a flurry of 6 Demonfire bolts at 100% effectiveness (was 200%). Casting Summon Infernal always hits a Jackpot!.
- Chaos Bolt damage increased by 20%.
- Summon Infernal damage increased by 35%.
- Developers’ notes: We’re making adjustments to Hellcaller to reduce its Soul Shard economy and increase its damage as compensation. When the availability of Soul Shards increases for Destruction, it reaches a point where Rain of Fire begins to surpass Chaos Bolt in damage output for single target due to the difference in casting times.
- Hellcaller: Wither damage increased by 35%.
- Hellcaller: Wither now deals damage every 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- Developers’ notes: We recognize that with these changes Wither damage will also be impacted. We are distributing the lost throughput across the rest of the Hellcaller kit for Destruction.
- Hellcaller: Blackened Soul damage increased 40%.
- Hellcaller: Xalan’s Ferocity now increases Fire damage by 4% (was 2%).
- Hellcaller: Xalan’s Cruelty now increases Shadow damage by 4% (was 2%).
- Arms
- Execute damage reduced by 15%.
Player vs. Player
- The Gladiator’s Distinction set bonus now increases Stamina by 10% (was 5%) for Tank and Damage specializations.
- The Gladiator’s Distinction set bonus now increases Stamina by 15% (was 10%) for Healer specializations.
Death Knight
- Blood
- San’layn: The damage bonus from Frenzied Bloodthirst is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
- Frost
- Death’s Cold Embrace (PvP talent) now increases Remorseless Winter’s damage by 400% (was 750%).
- Feral
- Berserk now increases damage dealt by 5% in PvP combat (was 10%).
- Ferocious Bite damage reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
- Arcane
- Magi’s Spark now echoes spells at 25% effectiveness (was 50%) in PvP combat.
- Arcane Missiles damage increased by 12% in PvP combat.
- Arcane Barrage damage increased by 12% in PvP combat.
- Fire
- Blazing Barriers from Overpowered Barrier now reflect 60% of damage absorbed (was 100%).
- Frost
- Frostfire: Blazing Barriers from Overpowered Barrier now reflect 60% of damage absorbed (was 100%).
- Mistweaver
- Jade Empowerment’s damage increase reduced to 1250% (was 2500%) in PvP combat.
- Windwalker
- Slicing Winds damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat. Slicing Winds now fails if cast while in a root.
- Arms
- Mortal Strike damage reduced by 25% in PvP combat.
- Execute damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
- Demolish final hit damage reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
- Fury
- Rampage damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat.
- Bladestorm damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat.
- Protection
- Execute damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat.
- All damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat.