Secret Monk Tier 2 Recolor Removal May Hint at Others as Well?

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An interesting thing happened during the 20th Anniversary patch reveal and it may hint at an unannounced feature of the event!

What Recolor?

In the initial blog detailing all the features, a different Monk set was shown than the one that’s currently there. Now, don’t get too excited as it’s “only” a recolor, but it’s a great-looking one! However, in the video showcase a different set was shown, the green one. And soon after, the blog post was edited and the gold recolor was removed in favor of the green.

We still have the original posted here on our site, but the official blog has the new green version only. Here’s a direct comparison, courtesy of Jinyama:

The Great Hope

So, what could this mean? Is this just an older version of the armor and Blizzard decided to go for the more Monk-color oriented one? Or, much more interestingly, will there be recolors of ALL the tier 2 sets available during the 20th anniversary? Can you imagine the insanity a recolored Judgement would bring? Like, for example, this void-based one?

We can only hope!