It’s that time of the pre-raid schedule, as TacticalAirHorse brings his pineapple fever dream to Nerub-ar Palace!
What the Hell Are You Talking About? What Pineapples?
If you’re unaware of the mini-game sensation that is Castle Pineapplia and its many successors, here’s a quick primer. Back in Shadowlands’ first raid, Castle Nathria, TacticalAirHorse created an game that simulated that raid’s boss encounters. This showcased all the boss mechanics and allowed players to learn them in a very minimalist and easy way. Also, you’re a pineapple.

The game has been re-made for every raid since then, with Vault of the Pineapples, Sanctum of the Pineapples and, of course, who could forget Pineapplassic, the Chef’s Hope! And now it’s come to the War Within and Nerub-ar Palace!
Pineappl-ar Palace
The latest iteration of the game is ready for this week’s raid release. It really is the most fun way to learn some basic boss abilities and go into the raid with at least some knowledge of what’s going on. It’s really well made and has now become a staple of the raid release schedule, so absolutely go give it a try!

The final boss, Queen Ansurek, isn’t ready yet, as the encounter was not tested on the beta.

Why are you still here? Head on over to and give it a whirl!