The End of Madskillzzhc’s Bot-Busting Journey Isn’t What You’d Expect

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The hardcore bot-buster we’ve talked about quite a bit recently reached the end of his journey. And after all the drama and death threats, the end wasn’t quite what you’d expect.

If you still don’t know who Madskillzzhc is, you should check out when he quit the first time over death threats after destroying bots, or shortly after that when he came back exposing the botting mafia. This time he didn’t get attacked by the bots, but instead when he was making a tutorial on how to get the Hunter epic bow, Rhok’delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers, he died at the last demon. Let’s take a look at how to do the quest.

Key Steps of the Epic Bow Quest

Ancient Petrified Leaf: The quest begins when Hunters find the Ancient Petrified Leaf in Molten Core, dropped by Majordomo Executus.

Demons of the Plaguelands: Hunters must then defeat four elite demons located in different zones of Azeroth without any external help, which requires precise kiting, damage control, and strategy as he described in the video.

Forging Rhok’delar: After defeating the demons and collecting their heads, the Hunter returns to Felwood to complete the quest and receive Rhok’delar.

His Journey Continues

With his wife pregnant, he has a daughter on the way in three months. He will take a break from beating the bots and spend time with his family. But he will be updating his page Hardcore Cleaning Crew regularly. They have managed to kill 130 bots so far, and the number continues to rise each day.

Fortunately, he didn’t die to a bot but from a single mistake, he made during the quest. His journey continues through all players who are doing the same thing he started: killing bots in Hardcore! If you’re looking for the actual dramatic part, head to 12:15 in the video.