The Greatest Brutragedy of Our Time? Player Bids 10 Million Price for Old Brutosaur on the Day of New One’s Release

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This one’s gotta sting. It seems one particularly unlucky and presumably now VERY angry player bought themselves a Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur iconReins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur on the Black Market Auction House on the day of the Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur release in the store.

The Bid

Feminineambience pointed out a player on their server bidding on the BMAH (presumably) earlier in the day, before the new mount was announced. Or it’s the old “my friend wants to know” of the “I spent 10 million for nothing” version. Either way:

The Economics of It All

Considering the 9,999,999 gold cost for the old and the $90 cost for the new bruto, Talutu lost about 8.4 million gold in this one bid. That’s counting the WoW token at 300K, which is the median which it spiked to due to its scarcity today, since they literally ran out! Their actual values ranged around 400K for EU and 290 for NA at the very end/now since there are very few to buy. Even if we went with the current max price of 407K, that’s still an 8.15 million loss.

Of course the “Fs in chat” etc. all assume that Talutu wouldn’t have bid on the old bruto if they knew about the new one. That isn’t necessarily the case, however. They might have wanted both anyway, or just had/have so much gold that they didn’t mind the loss! We’re definitely hoping that’s what happened. The alternative is very painful – imagine somehow grinding out 10 million gold to finally see the day and be the winning bid on the BMAH, ecstatic, just to IMMEDIATELY find out you actually just lost 8+ million and maybe now also need to buy ANOTHER bruto.

That’s just… brutal.