The Most Popular DPS Specializations in Mythic+ in The War Within Season 2

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For the first time in Mythic+ we’re looking at the most popular DPS specializations!

The data used in this post comes from Raider.IO and takes into account all Mythic+ runs across all levels of play.

Most Popular Melee DPS Specs in Mythic+

The most popular melee DPS with a gigantic lead is Retribution Paladin with 28.7%, accounting for more than 775K Mythic+ runs so far.

In the second place is Enhancement Shaman with 12.3% or 331K runs. Closing the top three is Havoc Demon Hunter with 10.6% or 285K Mythic+ runs. On the other side of the spectrum, the least popular melee DPS spec is Outlaw Rogue with a measly 1.3% or 35K runs. You will find the full rankins below.

  1. Retribution Paladin – 28.7%
  2. Enhancement Shaman – 12.3%
  3. Havoc Demon Hunter – 10.6%
  4. Windwalker Monk – 7.5%
  5. Fury Warrior – 7.0%
  6. Unholy Death Knight – 6.4%
  7. Arms Warrior – 6.4%
  8. Subtlety Rogue – 5.0%
  9. Assassination Rogue – 4.6%
  10. Frost Death Knight – 3.7%
  11. Feral Druid – 3.5%
  12. Survival Hunter – 3.1%
  13. Outlaw Rogue – 1.3%

Most Popular Ranged DPS Specs in Mythic+

Now let’s have a closer look at the ranged DPS.

Beast Mastery Hunter is in the lead with 15% or 421k runs, followed by Fire Mage with 12.7% or 355K runs. The third is Balance Druid with 11.9% or 332k runs. Augmentation Evoker, Arcane Mage, and Affliction Warlock are the least popular ranged DPS specs in Mythic+

  1. Beast Mastery Hunter – 15.0%
  2. Fire Mage – 12.7%
  3. Balance Druid – 11.9%
  4. Destruction Warlock – 11.8%
  5. Frost Mage – 11.2%
  6. Elemental Shaman – 10.7%
  7. Shadow Priest – 7.4%
  8. Devastation Evoker – 6.3%
  9. Marksmanship Hunter – 5.4%
  10. Demonology Warlock – 4.7%
  11. Affliction Warlock – 1.5%
  12. Arcane Mage – 1.2%
  13. Augmentation Evoker – 0.3%