The REAL Fast Food: New Cooking Recipe Gives a Whole Lot of Speed Stat

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The War Within is satiating players’ need for speed! A new cooking recipe is generating some serious acceleration, as players can get 724 Speed stat at level 80!

Exquisitely Eviscerated Muscle iconExquisitely Eviscerated Muscle is the new hotnes! That’s especially true for old content farmers who just want to get through those raids as fast as possible. The new Bear Tartare is pretty good, and the recipe can be acquired from cooking vendors, including Kronzon in Dorongal at 43.6, 45.6!

The 6,114 number is for lower level characters, at 80 it’s 724.

This, combined with the new Potion of the Reborn Cheetah iconPotion of the Reborn Cheetah, should be enough to offset some of the nerfs speed items have been getting recently.

So if you too have a need for speed, get to cookin!