The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Made It to Undermine!

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We have another reference to TMNT! Well, a continuation of the initial Legion/War Within reference, to be exact.


They were first added back in Legion in the Dalaran sewers, and more recently were saved from the wreckage at the start of The War Within and then can be found in Dornogal. You can even get a turtle battle pet that changes bandana colors every time it’s summoned!

A New Home

Players have spotted the turtles in their new home, where else than the Undermine sewers! We have all four colors of turtle covered, not to mention the Dalaran Sewer Rat aka Splinter, and The Slicer, who seems to be amassing another army of Red-Foot rats! Not to mention the… very practical weapon he’s carrying.

The last time we spotted some turtles was a particularly great transmog over in the Anniversary event grounds, but it’s great to see them again as real NPCs! Where will their journey take them next?