The Ultimate Transmog Raid Farming Guide Up to The War Within

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Ah yes, the ultimate endgame of WoW, transmog. New raids may come and go, but getting a ludicrous amount of weapon and armor looks is forever. It also takes forever, incidentally, which is where this extremely useful guide comes in.

Transmog May Be Even More Worth-While Now

If you care about WoW fashion, and let’s face it, who doesn’t, this transmog farming guide for raids up to the War Within made by babagahnoush is a gift from the Titans. Well, except Sargeras probably, although who’s to say he’s not playing dress-up with Illidan too.

The guide might also be of even more relevance now, if you’re hyping for Blizzard to implement equipment transmogs as usable house decorations for the upcoming player homes. Having Onyxia’s head on a wall may surely be peak interior design, but you REALLY need that off-set green armor chest from Cataclysm too, right?

The Guide

Babagahnoush split the guide into five parts, starting with some tips before the farm, and covering each aspect thoroughly. Tips range from class recommendations, and optional mods to get, to setting up your bags for optimum efficiency.

The foremost piece of advice for farming raids that babagahnoush mentions is the 11 level difference from the raid you’re farming. That enables legacy loot rules.

“You will want your chosen spec to be a maximum level character, or at least 11 levels (aka 2 expansions) higher than the raid you are farming. The 11 level rule is critical due to legacy loot rules. Legacy loot rules will maximize your transmog farming results.”

All the continents, expansions, and raids are covered in great detail. From raid entrances and exits, to particular mechanics and tips if you’re flying them solo.

So head on over and check out the in-depth guide here!

Since Blizzard’s overhaul of transmogrification unlocks and the way they are unlocked with added Warbands, it has become much easier to farm for missing equipment appearances. The extra levels from the War Within expansion, and the gear upgrade, also won’t hurt for farming endeavors. So give babagahnoush, the guide, and the splendid WoW fashion runway images some love. And get your future house ready for the not-yet-announced armor set feature which may or may not exist!