We’ve all witnessed before what amazingly insane feats the WoW community is capable of. We’ve also witnessed the weirder ones, and this one definitely qualifies as the latter. One thing’s for sure though, it’s also awesome. Redditor Zezin96 took it upon themselves to put together a catalog of all Horde military NPCs with a rank of Sergeant or higher. For 16 hours. Why? Well…
The Infographic
The result is the impressive infographic below, complete with a picture, name, race, and whether the NPC is active or dead.

The community’s response is overwhelming, upvotes have been flying, and discussion has already branched into the finer points of Horde military doctrine. For example, should generals get hazard pay given the mortality rate, to commanders potentially refusing promotions due to those same rates.
But… Why?
Saying this is insane, but ultimately a very pleasing undertaking to look at is quite an understatement. Zezin96 also made more than a few clarification points in a separate post, including what actually started this descent into Horde military history. Here’s the important bit on the actual motivation behind all this:
“OH I FINALLY REMEMBERED WHY I DID THIS! On the beach on Isle of Dorn where the Horde and Alliance ships arrived you can there’s a whole bunch of characters who haven’t been seen in a LONG time walking around. For example: Champion Uru’zin first showed up during Zalazane’s Fall then just hung out in Orgrimmar as the Darkspear Quartermaster even since until now he’s finally doing something again after 13 years. After seeing all those characters I thought: “Cool! Who else haven’t we seen in a minute?” And the idea just evolved from there.” – Zezin96
And here’s all the expanded details on the actual graphic:
Due to an incredibly positive response, it would seem the Alliance infographic is next on the line. There is one request though.
To quote Zezin96 fully, “Okay fine I’ll probably do an Alliance one. But y’all need to do something for me. You people need to start appreciating mah boi Cromush more. He’s a good orc with an unusually cosmopolitan mindset, which is probably why he didn’t side with Garrosh during the Darkspear Rebellion despite being such a huge supporter of him during the Cataclysm. He even likes the Forsaken, which is something even the usual gud bois like Thrall and Baine struggle with.”
It appears this is quite a small request in exchange for a fancy Alliance infographic in the same vein as the Horde one. Wouldn’t you say so?
So what do we think here? Awesome or crazy? Obviously, it’s both, but which side do you lean more on? Let us know on Twitter/X.