Timewalking Scaling Overhaul in Patch 11.0.5: What It Means for Your Dungeon Experience!

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Patch 11.0.5 brings major changes to Timewalking scaling, aligning it with Chromie Time. Learn how this will affect your dungeon runs and gameplay.

What’s Changing?

Patch 11.0.5 is introducing significant changes to how Timewalking Dungeons work, specifically focusing on the scaling system. Blizzard is moving to a new model where enemies scale to your current level, instead of the previous approach where players were scaled down to the level of the dungeon. This new scaling is aligned with Chromie Time, providing a more seamless experience across the game’s content.

We saw the same scaling system in MoP Remix!

Why is Blizzard Making This Change?

Blizzard’s reasoning behind the scaling update is to ensure dungeons maintain their intended difficulty and tuning, while also allowing for easier future maintenance.


  • Timewalking dungeons will now scale enemies to your current level as opposed to scaling you to the level of the dungeon.
    • Developer’s note: Timewalking now uses the same scaling system as Chromie Time, allowing us to better maintain Timewalking dungeons and control their intended tuning.