Two Players Level to Expansion Cap of 80 Without Entering the War Within, Using Exploration Only (and One Trick)!

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We have two very pacifistic Earthen on our hands, as father and son ding 80 only flying around the world!

It was bound to happen. Ever since we saw the crazy speeds and no-quest, no-combat leveling Earthen characters get up to, having them get to max level was inevitable. And now Competitive-Hall6922 and his son have made it happen!

Flying to 80

We’ve seen plenty of players get their Earthen up to speed for the start of the expansion leveling, and a few even went as far as level 71 on their journeys. The leveling speeds are extremely competitive, coming in at around 3-4 hours with a good route (which you can find here). However, after level 71 things get very slow very fast.

Competitive-Hall6922 and son decided not to go to the War Within zones at all, meaning they’d get to the expansion’s level cap without ever touching any of its content! They got to 70 pretty easily and managed to sneak in an extra level before the gnome dragon booted them out of Chromie Time. That’s when things got tricky. The Dragon Isles were still close enough to provide some XP after that, but at 73 it got even trickier. The XP given for exploring lower-level areas is just very small, so they needed a different way.

The answer, as is always the case with many weird scaling things, was Party Sync. Grouping and syncing with a trial account made them scale down to 71, meaning they could get decent exploration XP again!

The run wasn’t 100% “pure”, however, as they did take down three rare mobs at 71, but then decided to go for a clean no-kill run after that. And at the end, they were sitting at level 80 with item level 10, with no gear and no quests complete!

The full story is well worth the read, so check it out below! And congratulations to both, our first explorer 80ies!