We have another nice visual guide to the spread of gear players will be getting and upgrading in the new season! The WoW community is always fast with some great visual aids, and this one is no different.
Season 2 Gear Spread
Somewhat confusingly, “Fisher’s” guide was made by Jimy-T, but regardless of the naming convention, has pretty much everything you need to know. There are still some details missing and some possible misses, however. The Delve section hasn’t been fully updated yet as not everything has been made clear yet. There’s also a possible discrepancy in the first 6 raid bosses. They’re marked as dropping 15 Crests, but they drop 10 in Nerub-ar Palace, as spotted by Soulfighter56.
There will be more like this to come as we near and enter Season 2, so we’ll keep you updated! Meanwhile, if you found the information useful, head on over to reddit and upvote the thread!