Undermine’s Best-Kept Secret: Start a Party with This Simple Trick

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Patch 11.1 is packed with surprises and Easter eggs. Players exploring Undermine have uncovered a hidden party mechanic at the Incontinental Hotel and elsewhere.

If you use /dance at or in front of the Incontinental Hotel, the residents will start joining in, one by one, until the area is filled with NPCs dancing like there’s no tomorrow!

This fun feature adds to the lively atmosphere in Undermine, much like another humorous touch in the patch, NPCs randomly throwing insults at gnome players as they walk by.

Dancing in the Incontinental Hotel starts a dance party
byu/Environmental_Big510 inwow
If you dance on the incontinental desk the residents join in…
byu/AmoebaJo inwow

We’ve seen reports of this happening in other places as well so don’t be shy to try it out in the wild! Target an NPC, paste the /dance emote in the chat window and watch the action unfold!